Francisco Paulo Jamil Marques

Currículo Lattes + Curriculum Vitae – June 2024

Telefone: (41) 3360-5065

Associate Professor at the Federal University of Paraná, Brazil. Visiting Scholar at Michigan State University (School of Journalism, 2021-2022). Recent publications: “Populism and critical incidents in Journalism: Has Bolsonaro disrupted the mainstream press in Brazil?” (The International Journal of Press/Politics, 2023); “Defending democracy or amplifying populism? Journalistic coverage, Twitter, and users’ engagement in Bolsonaro’s Brazil” (Journalism, 2022); “The watchdog role of fact-checkers in different media systems” (Digital Journalism, 2022); “Towards an Inclusive Agenda of Open Science for Communication Research” (Journal of Communication, 2021); “De-Westernizing Media Parallelism: How Editorial Interests Unfold During Impeachment Crises” (Journalism Studies, 2021); “Key concepts, dilemmas, and trends in Political Communication: A literature review considering the Brazilian landscape” (Annals of the International Communication Association, 2021).




Web of Science:





Linha de pesquisa: Comportamento, Representação e Comunicação Política.

Principais temas de pesquisa:

Jornalismo Político; Comunicação Eleitoral; Democracia Digital; Mídias Sociais; Comunicação Governamental; Comunicação Pública e de Estado.

Publicações recentes (2020-2024):


MARQUES, F. P. J.; FERRACIOLI, P.; COMEL, N.; KNIESS, A. Who is who in fact-checked conspiracy theories? Disseminators, sources, and the struggle for authority in polarized environments. Journalism, v. 25, p. 856-880, 2024.

COMEL, N.; KOHLS, C.; ORSO, M.; PRENDIN, L.; MARQUES, F.P.J. Academic production and collaboration among BRICS-based researchers: How far can the “de-Westernization” of Communication and Media studies go? Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, v. 101, p. 71-96, 2024.

DALMONTE, E.; PINHO, F.; OLIVEIRA, T. M.; SANTOS JUNIOR, M. A.; ARAUJO, R. F.; TEMER, A. C. R. P.; MARQUES, F. P. J.; BRUCK, M. Periódicos científicos na Área Comunicação e Informação: Consolidação do índice H e as questões éticas de sua utilização. Em Questão, v. 30, p. 1-26, 2024.

MIOLA, E.; MARQUES, F. P. J. Abordagens teóricas e definições mínimas na pesquisa em Comunicação Pública: construindo o conceito de Comunicação Pública de Estado. Revista Organicom, 2024. (forthcoming)

MARQUES, F.P.J. Between Politicizing the Coverage and Defending the Field: Brazilian Journalism and Its Dilemmas. Mediapolis – Revista de Comunicação, Jornalismo e Espaço Público, 2024. (forthcoming)


MARQUES, F. P. J. Populism and critical incidents in Journalism: Has Bolsonaro disrupted the mainstream press in Brazil? The International Journal of Press/Politics, v. 28, p. 1-21, 2023.

MARQUES, F. P. J.; MIOLA, E.; VOS T. P.; FONTES, G. S.; SANTOS, D. “Fake news” and Journalistic authority in newspaper editorials. Journalism Studies, v. 24, p. 1087-1110, 2023.

MARQUES, F.P.J.; VOS, T. P. Advancing comparative studies in political communication research: What factors explain the transformation of media systems? International Communication Gazette, 2023.

FONTES, G. S.; BARAO, G.; MARQUES, F. P. J. ‘It was all about being ‘young,’ ‘cute,’ and ‘funny”: How women journalists assess harassment and gender inequalities in Brazilian newsrooms. Feminist Media Studies, 2023.

FONTES, G. S.; MARQUES, F. P. J. Defending democracy or amplifying populism? Journalistic coverage, Twitter, and users’ engagement in Bolsonaro’s Brazil. Journalism, v. 24(8), 1634-1656.

BARAO, G.; FONTES, G. S.; MARQUES, F. P. J. Risks and resilience in the case of Brazilian female journalists: How women perceive violence against media professionals and cope with its effects. Journalism Studies, v. 24 (7), 956-975, 2023.

SANTOS, D.; MARQUES, F. P. J. Media parallelism beyond the political world: How newspapers push economic agendas through editorial journalism. International Journal of Communication, 2023.

MARQUES, F.P.J.; MIOLA, E.; KNIESS, A.; COMEL, N. Between adversarialism and cooperation: Rhetorical strategies of interviewers and interviewees in presidential elections. Journalism Practice, v. 17, p. 1. 2023.

COMEL, N.; MARQUES, F.P.J; PRENDIN, L.; KOHLS, C.; ORSO, M. Who Navigates the “Elite” of Communication Journals? The Participation of BRICS Universities in Top-Ranked Publications. Online Media and Global Communication, v. 2(4), 2023.

ALBUQUERQUE, A.; OLIVEIRA, T.; MARQUES, F. P. J.; MIOLA, E.; MITOZO, I.; TAVARES, C.; ARAUJO, M. The Internationalization Process of the Brazilian Communication Research. Revista de la Asociación Española de Investigación de la Comunicación, v. 10(20).

INGRASSIA, P.; MUÑIZ, C.; ARUGUETE, N.; MARQUES, F. P. J. (2023). Studies on Media Framing in Latin America. Sur Le Journalisme, About Journalism, Sobre Jornalismo, v. 12, p. 24-29.


FERRACIOLI, P.; KNIESS, A. B.; MARQUES, F. P. J. The watchdog role of fact-checkers in different media systems. Digital Journalism, v. 10, p. 717-737, 2022.

FONTES, G. S.; MARQUES, F. P. J. Defending democracy or amplifying populism? Journalistic coverage, Twitter, and users’ engagement in Bolsonaro’s Brazil. Journalism, v. 23, p. 1, 2022.

MIOLA, E.; MARQUES, F. P. J. Government communication and online engagement during ‘the summer of Zika’: Examining content and social media metrics of posts addressing the Aedes aegypti mosquito. First Monday, v. 27, p. 1, 2022.

MARQUES, F. P. J.; HERMAN, F.; MIOLA, E. What factors influence the quality of digital transparency in local governments?. Opinião Pública, 2022.

MONT’ALVERNE, C.; MARQUES, F. P. J. What makes an issue relevant to newspaper editorials? An empirical approach to criteria of editorial-worthiness. Brazilian Journalism Research, v. 18, p. 122-151, 2022.

COMEL, N.; MARQUES, F. P. J. Transparência online e comunicação pública no âmbito municipal: Examinando ferramentas digitais de controle público. E-COMPÓS (BRASÍLIA), v. 25, p. 1-30, 2022.


OLIVEIRA, T. M.; MARQUES, F. P. J.; LEAO, A. V.; ALBUQUERQUE, A.; PRADO, J. L. A.; GROHMANN, R. N.; CLINIO, A.; COGO, D.; GUAZINA, L. S. Toward an inclusive agenda of Open Science for Communication Research: A Latin American approach. Journal Of Communication, v. 71, p. 785-802, 2021.

MARQUES, F. P. J.; MONT’ALVERNE, C. What are newspaper editorials interested in? Understanding the idea of criteria of editorial-worthiness. Journalism, v. 22, p. 1812-1830, 2021.

MARQUES, F. P. J.; MONT’ALVERNE, C.; MITOZO, I. B. Editorial journalism and political interests: Comparing the coverage of Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment in Brazilian newspapers. Journalism, v. 22, p. 2816-2835, 2021.

PIMENTEL, P. S.; MARQUES, F. P. J. De-Westernizing Media Parallelism: How Editorial Interests Unfold During Impeachment Crises. Journalism Studies, v. 22, p. 282-304, 2021.

MARQUES, F. P. J.; MIOLA, E. Key concepts, dilemmas, and trends in Political Communication: A literature review considering the Brazilian landscape. Annals of the International Communication Association, v. 45, p. 1-19, 2021.

PIMENTEL, P. S.; MARQUES, F. P. J.; SANTOS, D. The structure, production routines, and political functions of editorials in contemporary journalism. Atlantic Journal of Communication, v. 29, p. 1-14, 2021.

PIMENTEL, P. S.; MARQUES, F. P. J. Disputing narratives: O Globo editorials and the deconstruction of the idea of “coup” during Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment process. [Available in Portuguese only]. Canadian Journal of Latin American And Caribbean Studies, v. 46, p. 276-296, 2021.

SANTOS, D.; LEITE, P. H. M.; MARQUES, F. P. J. Taking sides on Facebook: Political parties and the pension reform in Brazil. [Available in Portuguese only]. Cuadernos.Info, v. 50, p. 249, 2021.

KNIESS, A. B.; MARQUES, F. P. J. How does the oversight institution use online communication? The idea of public transparency on the social networks of the Office of the Comptroller General. [Available in Portuguese only]. Opinião Pública, v. 27, p. 90-126, 2021.

BARAO, G.; MARQUES, F. P. J. “Behave, Mr. President!”: The Bolsonaro government and how representative organizations have defended journalistic activity. [Available in Portuguese only]. Revista Fronteiras, v. 23, p. 77-90, 2021.


MARQUES, F. P. J.; MIOLA, E.; MITOZO, I. B.; MONT’ALVERNE, C. Similar, but not the same: Comparing Editorial and News Agendas in Brazilian Newspapers. Journalism Practice, v. 14, p. 1066-1086, 2020.

SANTOS, D.; MARQUES, F. P. J.; FONTES, G. Political journalism between news and opinion: A comparative study of the 2018 Brazilian presidential elections. Brazilian Journalism Research, v. 16, p. 122-151, 2020.

MARQUES, F. P. J.; SANTOS, D.; MONT’ALVERNE, C.; FERRACIOLI, P. Editorial journalism and the JBS scandal in Brazil: a comparative study of Folha de S. Paulo and O Estado de S. Paulo editorials [Available in Portuguese only]. Revista Brasileira de Ciência Política, v. 33, p. 1-39, 2020.

MIOLA, E.; MARQUES, F. P. J. Public communication of the Brazilian Ministry of Health in Facebook: A study of the campaigns against the Aedes aegypti during the ‘summer of the Zika’. [Available in Portuguese only]. RECIIS – Revista Eletrônica de Comunicação, Informação & Inovação em Saúde, v. 14, p. 34-50, 2020.

FERRACIOLI, P.; MARQUES, F. P. J. Journalism as an agent of public transparency in Brazil: The news coverage on the Access to Information Law [Available in Portuguese only]. Observatorio (OBS*), v. 14, p. 16-37, 2020.

FERRACIOLI, P.; MARQUES, F. P. J. Journalism, collaboration, and public interest: Access to Information Law as a tool for news coverage [Available in Portuguese only]. e-COMPÓS, v. 23, p. 1-29, 2020.

MIOLA, E.; MARQUES, F. P. J. Promotional strategies and customer service on social media: The case of Ponto Frio’s Twitter profile [Available in Portuguese only]. BOCC: Biblioteca Online de Ciências da Comunicação, p. 1-18, 2020.