Francisco Paulo Jamil Marques
Currículo Lattes + Curriculum Vitae – October 2024
Telefone: (41) 3360-5065
Associate Professor at the Federal University of Paraná, Brazil. Visiting Scholar at Michigan State University (School of Journalism, 2021–2022). Associate Editor serving the Journal of Communication (Oxford University Press). Strong experience mentoring undergraduate, M.A., and Ph.D. students, as well as teaching for both the Communication and Political Science Departments. Lead investigator working for the Research Group on Media, Politics, and Technology (PONTE) since 2010. Recent publications: “Populism and critical incidents in Journalism: Has Bolsonaro disrupted the mainstream press in Brazil?” (The International Journal of Press/Politics, 2023); “Who is who in fact-checked conspiracy theories? Disseminators, sources, and the struggle for authority in polarized environments” (Journalism, 2023); “Advancing comparative studies in political communication research: What factors explain the transformation of media systems?” (International Communication Gazette, 2023); “‘Fake News’ and Journalistic Authority in Newspaper Editorials” (Journalism Studies, 2023); “‘It was all about being ‘young,’ ‘cute,’ and ‘funny’”: how women journalists assess harassment and gender inequalities in Brazilian newsrooms” (Feminist Media Studies, 2023); “Defending democracy or amplifying populism? Journalistic coverage, Twitter, and users’ engagement in Bolsonaro’s Brazil” (Journalism, 2023); “The watchdog role of fact-checkers in different media systems” (Digital Journalism, 2022); “Towards an Inclusive Agenda of Open Science for Communication Research” (Journal of Communication, 2021); “De-Westernizing Media Parallelism: How Editorial Interests Unfold During Impeachment Crises” (Journalism Studies, 2021); “Key concepts, dilemmas, and trends in Political Communication: A literature review considering the Brazilian landscape” (Annals of the International Communication Association, 2021).
Web of Science:
Linha de pesquisa: Comportamento, Representação e Comunicação Política.
Principais temas de pesquisa:
Jornalismo Político; Comunicação Eleitoral; Democracia Digital; Mídias Sociais; Comunicação Governamental; Comunicação Pública e de Estado.
Publicações recentes (2020-2024):
MARQUES, F. P. J. Populism and Critical Incidents in Journalism: Has Bolsonaro Disrupted the Mainstream Press in Brazil? The International Journal of Press/Politics, 29(4), 825-846, 2024.
MARQUES, F.P.J.; VOS, T. P. Advancing comparative studies in political communication research: What factors explain the transformation of media systems? International Communication Gazette, 86(7), 521-540, 2024.
MARQUES, F. P. J.; FERRACIOLI, P.; COMEL, N.; KNIESS, A. Who is who in fact-checked conspiracy theories? Disseminators, sources, and the struggle for authority in polarized environments. Journalism, v. 25, p. 856-880, 2024.
COMEL, N.; KOHLS, C.; ORSO, M.; PRENDIN, L.; MARQUES, F.P.J. Academic production and collaboration among BRICS-based researchers: How far can the “de-Westernization” of Communication and Media studies go? Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, v. 101, p. 71-96, 2024.
KNIESS, A. B.; MARQUES, F. P. J. What do lawmakers understand by ‘public transparency’? A Longitudinal Study of Brazil’s Legislative Production. INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW, v. 45, p. 1, 2024.
FONTES, G. S.; BARAO, G.; MARQUES, F. P. J. ‘It was all about being ‘young,’ ‘cute,’ and ‘funny”: How women journalists assess harassment and gender inequalities in Brazilian newsrooms. Feminist Media Studies, v. 24 (7), 1514-1530, 2024.
KNIESS, A. B.; COMEL, N.; MARQUES, F. P. J. Fact-Checking and Journalistic Authority in Brazil: An Analysis of Fato ou Fake and Estadão Verifica. COMUNICAÇÃO E SOCIEDADE, v. 46, p. 1-20, 2024.
DALMONTE, E.; PINHO, F.; OLIVEIRA, T. M.; SANTOS JUNIOR, M. A.; ARAUJO, R. F.; TEMER, A. C. R. P.; MARQUES, F. P. J.; BRUCK, M. Periódicos científicos na Área Comunicação e Informação: Consolidação do índice H e as questões éticas de sua utilização. Em Questão, v. 30, p. 1-26, 2024.
MIOLA, E.; MARQUES, F. P. J. Abordagens teóricas e definições mínimas na pesquisa em Comunicação Pública: construindo o conceito de Comunicação Pública de Estado. Revista Organicom, 2024. (forthcoming)
MARQUES, F.P.J. Between Politicizing the Coverage and Defending the Field: Brazilian Journalism and Its Dilemmas. Mediapolis – Revista de Comunicação, Jornalismo e Espaço Público, 2024. (forthcoming)
MARQUES, F. P. J.; MIOLA, E.; VOS T. P.; FONTES, G. S.; SANTOS, D. “Fake news” and Journalistic authority in newspaper editorials. Journalism Studies, v. 24 (8), p. 1087-1110, 2023.
FONTES, G. S.; MARQUES, F. P. J. Defending democracy or amplifying populism? Journalistic coverage, Twitter, and users’ engagement in Bolsonaro’s Brazil. Journalism, v. 24(8), 1634-1656.
BARAO, G.; FONTES, G. S.; MARQUES, F. P. J. Risks and resilience in the case of Brazilian female journalists: How women perceive violence against media professionals and cope with its effects. Journalism Studies, v. 24 (7), 956-975, 2023.
SANTOS, D.; MARQUES, F. P. J. Media parallelism beyond the political world: How newspapers push economic agendas through editorial journalism. International Journal of Communication, 2023.
MARQUES, F.P.J.; MIOLA, E.; KNIESS, A.; COMEL, N. Between adversarialism and cooperation: Rhetorical strategies of interviewers and interviewees in presidential elections. Journalism Practice, v. 17, p. 1. 2023.
COMEL, N.; MARQUES, F.P.J; PRENDIN, L.; KOHLS, C.; ORSO, M. Who Navigates the “Elite” of Communication Journals? The Participation of BRICS Universities in Top-Ranked Publications. Online Media and Global Communication, v. 2(4), 2023.
ALBUQUERQUE, A.; OLIVEIRA, T.; MARQUES, F. P. J.; MIOLA, E.; MITOZO, I.; TAVARES, C.; ARAUJO, M. The Internationalization Process of the Brazilian Communication Research. Revista de la Asociación Española de Investigación de la Comunicación, v. 10(20).
INGRASSIA, P.; MUÑIZ, C.; ARUGUETE, N.; MARQUES, F. P. J. (2023). Studies on Media Framing in Latin America. Sur Le Journalisme, About Journalism, Sobre Jornalismo, v. 12, p. 24-29.
FERRACIOLI, P.; KNIESS, A. B.; MARQUES, F. P. J. The watchdog role of fact-checkers in different media systems. Digital Journalism, v. 10, p. 717-737, 2022.
FONTES, G. S.; MARQUES, F. P. J. Defending democracy or amplifying populism? Journalistic coverage, Twitter, and users’ engagement in Bolsonaro’s Brazil. Journalism, v. 23, p. 1, 2022.
MIOLA, E.; MARQUES, F. P. J. Government communication and online engagement during ‘the summer of Zika’: Examining content and social media metrics of posts addressing the Aedes aegypti mosquito. First Monday, v. 27, p. 1, 2022.
MARQUES, F. P. J.; HERMAN, F.; MIOLA, E. What factors influence the quality of digital transparency in local governments?. Opinião Pública, 2022.
MONT’ALVERNE, C.; MARQUES, F. P. J. What makes an issue relevant to newspaper editorials? An empirical approach to criteria of editorial-worthiness. Brazilian Journalism Research, v. 18, p. 122-151, 2022.
COMEL, N.; MARQUES, F. P. J. Transparência online e comunicação pública no âmbito municipal: Examinando ferramentas digitais de controle público. E-COMPÓS (BRASÍLIA), v. 25, p. 1-30, 2022.
OLIVEIRA, T. M.; MARQUES, F. P. J.; LEAO, A. V.; ALBUQUERQUE, A.; PRADO, J. L. A.; GROHMANN, R. N.; CLINIO, A.; COGO, D.; GUAZINA, L. S. Toward an inclusive agenda of Open Science for Communication Research: A Latin American approach. Journal Of Communication, v. 71, p. 785-802, 2021.
MARQUES, F. P. J.; MONT’ALVERNE, C. What are newspaper editorials interested in? Understanding the idea of criteria of editorial-worthiness. Journalism, v. 22, p. 1812-1830, 2021.
MARQUES, F. P. J.; MONT’ALVERNE, C.; MITOZO, I. B. Editorial journalism and political interests: Comparing the coverage of Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment in Brazilian newspapers. Journalism, v. 22, p. 2816-2835, 2021.
PIMENTEL, P. S.; MARQUES, F. P. J. De-Westernizing Media Parallelism: How Editorial Interests Unfold During Impeachment Crises. Journalism Studies, v. 22, p. 282-304, 2021.
MARQUES, F. P. J.; MIOLA, E. Key concepts, dilemmas, and trends in Political Communication: A literature review considering the Brazilian landscape. Annals of the International Communication Association, v. 45, p. 1-19, 2021.
PIMENTEL, P. S.; MARQUES, F. P. J.; SANTOS, D. The structure, production routines, and political functions of editorials in contemporary journalism. Atlantic Journal of Communication, v. 29, p. 1-14, 2021.
PIMENTEL, P. S.; MARQUES, F. P. J. Disputing narratives: O Globo editorials and the deconstruction of the idea of “coup” during Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment process. [Available in Portuguese only]. Canadian Journal of Latin American And Caribbean Studies, v. 46, p. 276-296, 2021.
SANTOS, D.; LEITE, P. H. M.; MARQUES, F. P. J. Taking sides on Facebook: Political parties and the pension reform in Brazil. [Available in Portuguese only]. Cuadernos.Info, v. 50, p. 249, 2021.
KNIESS, A. B.; MARQUES, F. P. J. How does the oversight institution use online communication? The idea of public transparency on the social networks of the Office of the Comptroller General. [Available in Portuguese only]. Opinião Pública, v. 27, p. 90-126, 2021.
BARAO, G.; MARQUES, F. P. J. “Behave, Mr. President!”: The Bolsonaro government and how representative organizations have defended journalistic activity. [Available in Portuguese only]. Revista Fronteiras, v. 23, p. 77-90, 2021.
MARQUES, F. P. J.; MIOLA, E.; MITOZO, I. B.; MONT’ALVERNE, C. Similar, but not the same: Comparing Editorial and News Agendas in Brazilian Newspapers. Journalism Practice, v. 14, p. 1066-1086, 2020.
SANTOS, D.; MARQUES, F. P. J.; FONTES, G. Political journalism between news and opinion: A comparative study of the 2018 Brazilian presidential elections. Brazilian Journalism Research, v. 16, p. 122-151, 2020.
MARQUES, F. P. J.; SANTOS, D.; MONT’ALVERNE, C.; FERRACIOLI, P. Editorial journalism and the JBS scandal in Brazil: a comparative study of Folha de S. Paulo and O Estado de S. Paulo editorials [Available in Portuguese only]. Revista Brasileira de Ciência Política, v. 33, p. 1-39, 2020.
MIOLA, E.; MARQUES, F. P. J. Public communication of the Brazilian Ministry of Health in Facebook: A study of the campaigns against the Aedes aegypti during the ‘summer of the Zika’. [Available in Portuguese only]. RECIIS – Revista Eletrônica de Comunicação, Informação & Inovação em Saúde, v. 14, p. 34-50, 2020.
FERRACIOLI, P.; MARQUES, F. P. J. Journalism as an agent of public transparency in Brazil: The news coverage on the Access to Information Law [Available in Portuguese only]. Observatorio (OBS*), v. 14, p. 16-37, 2020.
FERRACIOLI, P.; MARQUES, F. P. J. Journalism, collaboration, and public interest: Access to Information Law as a tool for news coverage [Available in Portuguese only]. e-COMPÓS, v. 23, p. 1-29, 2020.
MIOLA, E.; MARQUES, F. P. J. Promotional strategies and customer service on social media: The case of Ponto Frio’s Twitter profile [Available in Portuguese only]. BOCC: Biblioteca Online de Ciências da Comunicação, p. 1-18, 2020.